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22 March 2011


I look at the pages of my diary
to see whether my reflection talks back to me

I try to step outside my mind
to observe the pathway of thought

I desperately search for hints of embrace
in my heart, mind and speech

I trace the evolution of sanity
and hope for everlasting sense of rationality

It’s an experiment on self, I claim
while wishing for great fame and fortune

It’s just an expression of self, I say
while deep in my heart
I am as greedy and petty as possible


  1. Hello Sanchita.

    It is the inner voice that speaks here.

    The great twist is that this voice is not hiding the human side as it try to watch into its own self!

    You have a strong sense of reality and how humans use to deceive themselves.

    A very good choice of words!

  2. never stop searching or expressing...

  3. many thanks! thats a useful advice
