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26 June 2011

Curious Things

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I like photography, I like poetry too but I feel some times despite my best efforts, written words can not describe exactly what I saw. I also like to try to spot remarkable attributes in the things I see - in humans, nature or inanimate objects alike. Many times I am not aware that the camera has spotted some striking characteristics until I see them later. Below I have posted some photos, which are either remarkable by themselves (in my view) or reminded me of some thing curious!      

Star faced mushroom with broken egg-like top


Would it work on humans?

Sadhus' day out


One-legged garbage van

Comparing shoes

Sure! once I know it myself...

Baking reflection in the oven

Big lens chasing small one?!

1 comment:

  1. True! The lens captures more than one's eye and OK lets agree, the expressions of photography are better than that of the written word. Assumed !

    But as the photographer see's the subject in its environment fully & is aware what facets of the subject he/she had caught. Also later more curious things pop up..but for the people who see them...words are needed to get the definition, algorithms for a better perspective of the picture.

    Above I had nearly missed the ' Baking Reflection In The Oven' had a justifying caption was not there.
